’09 to ’13: Ordinary People Part 1 of 3

On the 3rd of the 11th came the 7th. This was back in ’09. It was a diverse group who would become writers and editors.




Just like any other group, this one consists of the populars, the introverts, the geeks, the common enemy, the outcast, the leader and the clown. There were subgroups, too. Two things bound them, food and the common enemy.



Then as days went by, people left and the group became smaller and smaller. Work schedules limited their time together but did not break the bond that had been forged.



And on the 9th of the 3rd, they agreed to have brunch. And then maybe, karaoke. From Rockwell in Pasig to UP in Quezon City, the group was about to roll.



It was a sumptuous meal filled with hearty laughter and retelling of history, capped by Chocolate Kiss’s famous cakes.

Chicken Barbecue

Chicken Barbecue

Chicken Alfredo

Chicken Alfredo

Fish Kiev

Fish Kiev

Beef Stroganoff

Beef Stroganoff

Chicken Kiev

Chicken Kiev

Devil's Food Cake

Devil’s Food Cake

L- R: Carrot, Orange, Dayap, Kahlua

L- R: Carrot, Orange, Dayap, Kahlua

With bellies full and hearts warmed, the group then headed to the lagoon.


And the next part of their adventure unfolds in the next post. Laters!