How We Let Facebook Screw Us (Over and Over)


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We waste a lot of time on Facebook, that’s the identifying quality of our generation. We are addicted to the site, I think mostly because we are the generation of the entitled and narcissists. Practically everything that happens and does not happen, gets posted on Facebook. We’ve pathetically came down to, “if you didn’t post it on Facebook, did it really happen?”

We know it’s not good for us but we cannot seem to stop. We know they’re selling our information but it doesn’t stop us from sharing more. But deep down, don’t you find it disturbing that someone is actually profiling you for whatever purpose fits them best? And when I say best, I mean that which gives them the highest profit.

The following is an excerpt from David Ebersman, the Chief Financial Officer of Facebook when he attended the Morgan Stanley Technology, Media, Telecom and Conference on February 27, 2013.

So 2 products that we launched last year that sort of fall into category: One is a product called Custom Audiences, and this is an important product for us that allows advertisers to come to Facebook with information they have about their customers. So if you’re a small business and maybe you’re a local coffee shop and you collect email addresses of people who come in and participate in your business, you can then come to Facebook with that list of customers and say, hey, can you show ads to these people. And since we know the email addresses for Facebook users and since most people are Facebook users, we’ve a really high ability to match that list with our user base and we can say, hey, yes, we can make sure we are targeting the message you want to send to those users.

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