Humpty Dumpty and the King

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the King’s horses, And all the King’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again!

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The King himself went to see Humpty to try to fix him. The King saw Humpty broken with his parts scattered all over the ground. It looked tragic but not totally hopeless for Humpty was still alive. So then the King started talking to Humpty and slowly coaxed him to pick up the pieces and fix himself back. He even offered to help and then started picking up some broken parts. Humpty politely declined and begged the King to stop what he was doing. He tried to explain to the King:

“I know I can pick up the pieces and fix myself. I won’t be good as new. There will be missing pieces. There will be some parts that will be beyond repair, but I would still be able to function, then, maybe do new things. Maybe make a new life. A different life perhaps. Make new accomplishments or make new mistakes. Doesn’t really matter. I can walk a different path. The possibilities are endless.

I know it’s not the end for me. Not yet anyway. No, this isn’t the end. But for now, let me stay here. Let me lie here with the ruins. Let me not worry about the days being empty, because the day I pick up the pieces and put myself together is the day I start to stand up again. And when I do that, I would have to walk and leave this place. I would need to move on and keep walking, never look back and live life again. And today, I’m just not ready to do that.”

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I’ve read this “Humpty and the King” story a long time ago. The original story was much, much shorter, about two to four sentences. I tried researching online but couldn’t find it, then somehow got inspired to rewrite it from what I could remember from it.

7 thoughts on “Humpty Dumpty and the King

  1. This nursery rhyme aptly describes what depression feels like (at least to me), which is why I am angered whenever someone casually tells me that it is something you can just get over with.

    When a mug or glass gets its rim chipped, you bin it for health and safety reasons. What more if it breaks into a thousand pieces? A person, I find, once struck with clinical depression or any illness or any painful situation really, goes through the same phase. You cannot just expect them to pick up the remaining pieces of their life together and expect them to live life to the fullest, just as you will not drink from a broken glass that has been glued together.

    That’s what makes depression so painful. You can move on yes, but you don’t start life where you left off. You start it anew.


    • So true, Kat. And it really is the worst when people dismissively tell you that “you’ll get over it” or “it’s all in your mind.” Love the broken glass analogy. Yup, no one drinks from a broken glass, not even from a chipped one.


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